Giuda / Street Code / Early Tombs (NDY 737)

Giuda / Street Code / Early Tombs

Giuda (Boot Boy glam from Rome) the Rome City Rockers, return to Toronto on August 6th! With @earlytombs and @streetcodeoi

Have you heard these boys? Proper rock, from the heart of Italy, indebted to all of the best boot stomping sounds - Sham, Slade, Slaughter & The Dogs - these are the sounds that fuel the GIUDA engine. Their “Racey Roller” LP is long a cult classic at this point. Was on the turntable for months. At the time of its arrival it felt like a long lost artifact, but since then GIUDA have managed to deliver record after record of smashing hits.

Street Code (T-Dot Street Punk)

Early Tombs (Toronto garage metal)

6 months ago
Hard Luck Bar
772A Dundas St W
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